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Greek Teams

The Greek teams at Aquinas Academy were created to foster community and camaraderie among students through friendly competition throughout the year. As we inspire students to pursue greatness in all things, the four team names are derived from Greek words that can all be translated as “the Best”.

Family is at the core of Aquinas Academy (Siblings are always on the same team!) and over the course of the year, family-like bonds tend to develop among students as they work together in and out of the classroom. Teachers often group students by team for group work, and students wear their team shirts for spirit days, on field trips, and other events and outings.

Students earn points for their team by winning in-class review games, as reward for good behavior, for winning competitions, or for winning school-wise team events (Crusader Rush, Turkey Bowl, and Field Day). The team with the most points at the end of the year wins the Crusader Cup trophy!

Whatsoever team findeth the truest spirit of fortitude, prowess, harmony and ingenuity shall be awarded this cup of victory, bearing the name Crusader.
Legends they have become, wresting the moniker of “best” from all others who dare to claim such hubris. Greater still, the name of this conquering team shall be fixed upon this cup of triumph and thus live on in perpetuity.
May the mighty champions shine glorious in their victory, yet remember always, they are but mortal.  The Crusader Cup inscription
Field Day winners
megastoi team


beltistoi team


kratistoi team


aristoi team
