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Middle School

Middle School encompasses a time in students' lives when they are no longer little kids, but transitioning into teenagers. During adolescence, students develop a sense of independence and self-identity, a greater capacity for abstract thought, and a deeper awareness of their faith and religious practices.

With their developmental abilities in mind, the time spent in Middle School prepares our students for successful years in our High School and beyond. While we challenge them academically, we also endeavor to form them into into virtuous young men and women.

Accelerated Academics

As our Middle School students develop a greater capacity for abstract thought, they are introduced to deeper concepts and more challenging coursework. They must become more independent in their studies while learning how to express their thoughts in written and spoken word. An accelerated math program prepares them for AP coursework in High School. In Latin, they are challenged by complex grammatical structures that improve their language skills. They discuss the historical quandaries that formed our current global state. Throughout these three years, our faculty helps them develop habits and skills that prepare them well for High School.

Growing in Virtue

The years of early adolescence can be challenging for students personally and socially as they discover their individual gifts and personality. The Middle School faculty understands the developmental challenges of these adolescent years, and helps students achieve personal greatness in a virtue-based advisory program. Students meet daily to learn about and discuss the cardinal virtues of Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance. As they are challenged to practice a specific virtue each day, students cultivate a habit of virtue that serves them well into the future.

Finding God in Every Subject

Students naturally become more curious about the meaning of faith and religion during these formative years. In the Middle School, religion is discussed not only in catechism class, but in every class and with every teacher. Religion, spirituality, and the virtuous calling of every Catholic are regular topics, intentionally connecting each subject together. We ensure that students are able to encounter God in daily routines of prayer, by attending Mass, having monthly opportunities for confession, and being prepared for Confirmation in 8th grade.

Middle School is an extremely important time in the life of a student. A time when they are no longer little kids, but aren’t yet teenagers; a time of adolescence – a time of growing. During these middle school years there is an explosion of mental growth and many new wonderful capacities develop: students become more independent, they are able to handle higher abstract thought, and they are able to grow deeper in their faith. It is truly a GREAT time in the lives of students and as Pope Benedict XVI said, we are “made for greatness!” Mr. Nicholas Salinas, Middle School Director

Latest News

Aquinas Academy Middle School students

Mr. Tyler Deschamps

Head of School

Mr. Nicholas Salinas

Middle School Director, Latin Teacher

Mr. Joseph Austin

Director of Admissions
Middle School Highlights

Students have monthly opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Most middle school students take part in our Middle School Drama Production.

90% of eighth-grade students are on track to take AP Calculus as juniors or seniors in high school.

Students have quarterly service projects benefitting The Red Door Pittsburgh.

Eighth graders attend a day-long Confirmation Retreat with their classmates.